OlideSmart Window Slider Intelligent Automatic Sliding Window Opener 2019 New

Posted by Sara Guo on

It’s Monday again, and the bright light coming from your sliding window tells you to get up. As always – you’re in a hurry to prepare and leave the house. You’re already driving from home, but you forgot something – close the sliding windows.

Say goodbye to the hassle of opening and closing a sliding window with the olidesmart sliding window opener.  Yes, Olidesmart helps homeowners in keeping their house safe at all times.

Working Principle

With olidesmart sliding window opener, homeowners open their windows using smartphones, Amazon Alexa and Google Home (we’ll talk about this later.) You can control the windows (even doors) using a Wi-Fi network.

Users can operate and control the olidesmart sliding window opener using a phone app.  The app should apply to Android, Apple OS and has support to different access to intelligent systems such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home.

Once you open the windows olidesmart sliding window opener, the opener’s frame sends an alarm that allows the app to send a message. Thus, you would know if a burglar is attempting to enter your home. Or not.


The olidesmart sliding window opener is simple and easy to install. After buying it, you’re now ready to install it. First, measure the rail length of the windows. Then, measure the window’s dimension. 

Next, you place the olidesmart sliding window opener on the right location carefully. If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to call customer service or qualified personnel to install the window opener. I(Most homeowners do this if they’re also installing a modified, installed screen.)

How to Work with Amazon Alexa and Google Home?

Alexa and Google Home are excellent voice assistants that are compatible with olidesmart sliding window opener and other devices. Amazon Alexa supports wake words, and Google allows users to save music to the cloud.

But how do you use olidesmart sliding window opener with these voice speakers?

Well, let’s start with the Wi-Fi connection. Both Echo and Home can connect to a Wi-Fi network. The olidesmart sliding window opener operates through Wi-Fi so you can open or close the window using Amazon or Echo.

Here’s how you do it: Connect Amazon and Echo to your Wi-Fi connection. Then, speak voice commands on the Alexa and Home, and you open or close the windows easily.

Here’s another method:

Use a remote control to operate the window opener. You operate the remote-control using Alexa and Home. Since both voice assistants work with Wi-Fi networks, you can operate the window opener using Wi-Fi.

Remember: make sure that you have a strong Wi-Fi connection at home to use Alexa and Home.

Advantages of Olidesmart Sliding Window Opener

Like other automatic door openers, olidesmart sliding window openers offer you safety and protection. The one key feature allows you to open or close the window easily. Users can operate the window opener even if they’re not at home using a remote control.

The window opener connects to your Wi-Fi network that allows you to open or closes the windows automatically. Another excellent advantage is the sliding window opener supports Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants.

Hence, it’s simple and hassle-free in keeping your home safe all the time with Olidesmart!

Don’t risk the safety of your family. Install Olidesmart Sliding Window Opener in your smart home and see how it works. Allow comfort, and a happy lifestyle greets you every day using this window opener. Homeowners also can enjoy using the best voice assistants in the market today – Amazon Alexa and Goggle Home.

Remember: Home convenience and safety goes a long way.  Use the best window openers such as olidesmart sliding window opener and experience safety to the next level.

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